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This book is aimed at analysing the reintegration of male child soldiers in Sierra Leone using universalism of children’s right and cultural relativism. The two perspectives present two different scenarios which have different approaches at the level of implementation. The book will examine and analyse the effects of war on male child soldiers either as victims or as independent actors; their experiences, protection, reconcilation and reintegration into community life from a child’s right perspective. It will therefore contribute to policy implementation in the field. The analysis is done using universalism and cultural relativism. Universalism of children’s right believed that the reintegration of child soldiers into society is a human right or child’s right requirement without holding them liable for their acts (innocent victims). On the other hand cultural relativisms holds the view of a more cultural understanding of child soldiers; and wishes that ex-child soldiers who committed crimes against the community should not be reintegrated and should be punished (agency).
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Author spotlight
Ernest A. Fondong, Esq. was born in Cameroon on May 20, 1977 to his parents HRH Chief Fondong Atemnkeng of blessed memory and Atenchong Emelia Mbeleke.
He studied law in the University of Buea, Cameroon and graduated with an LL.B Honours Degree. He later did a Masters in Global Political Studies with specialization in human rights in Malmo University, Sweden.
He also did a year of graduate studies in Road(s) to Democracy at Uppsala University, Sweden.
He returned home and wrote the entrance Examination into the Cameroon Bar Association and passed. Ernest was therefore called to the Cameroon Bar first as Pupil Lawyer in January 2015 and a full-fledged Barrister-At-Law in June 2018.
Ernest practices law in Cameroon and is the Founder and Managing Partner of FONDONG & PARTNERS Law Firm Buea, Cameroon.